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Cattle graves and animal waste

The "Eco-Energoprom" company offers a service for the disposal of

cattle graves using the technology of bioremediation developed by our company's specialists

Animal wastes  are the remains of tissues and organs formed in the process of processing materials of animal origin and when various species of birds and animals die.


Unfortunately, Ukraine has a serious problem with the disposal of such waste.


On the territory of Ukraine, a method of burying animal corpses in burial grounds is actively used. There are such places in almost every city, and the lands on which these burials are located are almost decades removed from the category of usable.


An alternative to the disposal of livestock waste was to be vetsansanzavod, which were built in several cities of Ukraine and planned as processing centers, to make meat-and-bone flour from waste.


Unfortunately, due to outdated equipment and large volumes of livestock waste, their activities have turned into an ecological disaster for the regions where they are located, and the number of unauthorized cattle burials continues to increase.

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These photos depict the usual and very harmful to the surrounding environment, the process of laying cattle farmers. This is not an effective way to handle livestock waste, which is an environmental time bomb.

We offer a unique alternative

The company "Eco-Energoprom" offers a service for the disposal of cattle cutters using the latest technology of bio-complementation "NBB", which was developed by specialists of our company.

When using this technology, the need to open the cattle grinder and transport waste to the disposal site is excluded, which eliminates the risk of environmental pollution, and all livestock waste in the body of the cattle grinder is processed into fertilizer for agricultural land in a short time.


For a better understanding of the process of scavenging, which we offer, you can get acquainted with the report on the work on scavenging in 📍South Korea, carried out by the specialists of the company "Eco-Energoprom".

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