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Illiquid and expired products

Eko-Energoprom company - disposes of expired and defective products. Food products, perfumes, cosmetics, liquor and vodka products, animal feed, household chemicals

Any product, without exception, has its own expiration date, during which it can be used in full or eaten without negative consequences for health. If the product has not been sold to consumers after the end of the stated period, it is considered illiquid. Products that do not meet quality requirements and are defective can also be recognized as illiquid.

Disposal of unusable food and beverages

There are often cases when illiquid, represented by defective product options, can be offered for sale at significant discounts. If this is not possible, the issue of disposal of illiquid goods should be resolved in a timely and competent manner.


Someone prefers to dispose of non-liquid food products, liquor and vodka products, animal feed and other goods by their own efforts, banally taking them to a landfill. Such a process is a violation of regulatory requirements and may result in fines and other "educational" sanctions for company managers.

Disposal of illiquid products

A few years ago, there was quite a problem with carrying out work on disposal of illiquid, and today a sufficient number of specialized companies can offer their professional help. Someone is ready to quickly dispose of food products by burying them or recycling them together with the packaging. Someone specializes in the disposal of household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumes, having a technically equipped room for this.

Disposal of illiquids is carried out at a professional level by our company, which has sufficient experience in this field. Thanks to the fact that the organization of our work process is at the highest level, and the staff is represented by highly qualified specialists, cooperation with us is already preferred by many companies today. We guarantee that the disposal of waste and animal feed will be carried out in the shortest possible time and with a guarantee of the quality of the final result.

It is of no fundamental importance whether it is necessary to dispose of waste with perfumes or cosmetics, the specialists of our company will select the optimal method and cope with the task in the shortest possible time. Household chemicals, animal feed, liquor and vodka products, cosmetics and perfumery, food products - this is just a small list of products that can be disposed of by our specialists using the latest technological processes.

Professional disposal of products has been carried out by us for several years, during which we have constantly updated technological processes. Every day, we expand the range of processed goods, the disposal of which can be carried out at the highest level. Already today, we can carry out not only the disposal of food products, but also high-quality, with the exact observance of rules and requirements, the disposal of waste.

Disposal of food industry waste

Remains of production of food industry enterprises

Professional waste processing of food industry enterprises


The work process of food industry enterprises, regardless of the technological methods used, involves the formation of a certain type of waste. In order for the production process to take place without violations of regulatory requirements, food waste must be disposed of regularly. Utilization is the first stage of work with food waste, after which food waste is directly processed.

Disposal of food waste

Many managers of food industry enterprises mistakenly believe that the disposal of food waste can be carried out without the involvement of professionals, which threatens fines from regulatory authorities and the loss of the reputation of a law-abiding producer. Recycling must be carried out by specialized companies that have an idea of what the rules of food waste disposal look like and can choose the best option for work - food industry waste processing.

Export of food products

Modern instructions for the disposal of food waste have several main points that regulate the process of carrying out these works. Thanks to the fact that the work is carried out by specialists with sufficient work experience, the removal and disposal of food waste is carried out quickly, qualitatively and without violations of legislative and regulatory acts.

Today, our company is ready to provide the service of "disposal and destruction of biological waste", using only modern equipment and the latest methods for carrying out work. Provided that the disposal of biological waste has been carried out at an appropriate level, processed waste can be used as additives in the production of cement, fertilizers of various fields of application, in the production of biofuel, etc.

Today, there are special rules for the disposal of biological waste that regulate this issue from "A" to "Z". An ordinary citizen does not need to know the procedure for disposal of biological waste, because these services are offered by experienced specialized companies equipped with the latest technology.

Disposal of products

Thanks to the fact that the disposal of products and food waste is carried out on the latest equipment using technologies that meet global requirements for the quality and safety of the process, you can be sure that the waste is disposed of and processed properly, and the environment will not be harmed.

Today, our specialized company is ready to offer a service for the disposal of various types of waste, including the "food disposal" service, and guarantees that the work will be carried out exactly on time at affordable prices, and the quality of service will meet the highest international standards. Regardless of whether you need the disposal of food products or the processing of food industry waste, our specialists will cope with the task in the shortest possible time, without losing the level of service.

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