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Laboratory studies

Analysis of drinking water is an analysis that is necessary for every organization of any type of activity;

Analysis of waste water - an analysis that is necessary for the annual renewal of established standards;

Analysis of water from wells and other underground sources - analysis that is important in cases where water from a well or underground source is potable;

Air analysis of the working area - analysis carried out for the purpose of production control;

Analysis of industrial emissions - analysis of the component composition of industrial emissions is necessary for the implementation of annual environmental protection measures of the enterprise;

Soil analysis - includes:

  • chemical analysis of soil;

  • radiological soil analysis;

  • parasitological soil analysis;

  • microbiological analysis of soil.


Laboratory studies are extremely diverse. Specialists of "EKO-ENERGOPROM" LLC will help enterprises, depending on their technological features, to determine exactly those studies that are necessary for them, prepare material for laboratory analysis, send it for study to an accredited laboratory, obtain passports and other environmental documentation.

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