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Used lubricants

Proper disposalof used lubricants is stride

Your enterprise to meet the environment!

The company "Eko-Energoprom" within the framework of the resolution of the CMUNo. 1221 dated 17.12.2012

"Some issues of collection, transportation, storage, processing (recycling), disposal and/or disposal of used lubricants (oils)" in order to improve the state of the natural environment, constantly expands its own network of stationary collection points for hazardous waste - used lubricants (oils) on the territory enterprises - Customers of this service. 

Collection and disposal of used lubricants at your enterprise according to the following principle:

1. Installation of a stationary collection point for used lubricants, which fully meets the requirements of environmental and fire safety. The company "Eko-Energoprom" offers the installation of stationary collection points for used lubricants with the volume of:

200 liters,  1 m3, 10 m3 and 30 m3, depending on the volumes of used lubricants produced at your production

  • collection point by volume 1,000 liters

  • collection point by volume 200 liters

  • collection point by volume 10,000 liters

  • collection point by volume 30,000 liters

2.Accumulation of used lubricants in stationary collection points by your staff in accordance with the rules of use, in order to comply with environmental and fire safety

3. Removal of used lubricants at your request, by our specialized transport,which has a license to transport hazardous waste, is insured and fully equipped in accordance with environmental and fire safety requirements. You receive a complete package of documents confirming the transfer of hazardous waste for disposal.

Мобільний пункт збору
Мобільний пункт збору

4. The collected raw materials are delivered to the licensed production of "Eko-Energoprom", where it is processed and turned into reusable products (base oils, greases, furnace fuel).

Processing process

  • conducting laboratory research;

  • separation of excess moisture;

  • clarification of used lubricants at GlobeCore installations;

  • incineration of by-waste (used sorbent, mechanical impurities) in the Flash-R thermal disposer.

Установка для очищення відпрацьованих мастил
Термічний утилізатор для видалення побічних відходів
  • installation for cleaning used lubricants

  • thermal recycler for removing by-waste


It should be noted that the company "Eko-Energoprom" is one of the few licensed companies in Ukraine that has successfully passed the inspection in  Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine on the subject of compliance with licensing conditions in the handling of hazardous waste, , which indicates full compliance with the environmental legislation of Ukraine and the availability of a full package of permit documents.

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